
Monday, 30 May 2016

Kittens room upgrade - Part 2


last week I told you about crafting for charity and that I'm doing sewing things for the kittens. Because I'm not done with it, I'll show you instead some other things we have done at the kittens room.

A few weeks ago we bought a very nice scratching post. It was only 48 €, so I couldn't resist.

The other thing is that we created a catwalk. We bought simple bed enclosure and installed them  below the ceiling.
In the end we mount a rope light that we had left over, so we have a light at night.
I'm looking forward to see ya next week.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Charity chrocheting Part 3

Hi Y'all!

Sorry for being absent the last 2 weeks, but I was very busy with crocheting for the kittens again. Like last year I crocheted some Cat Beds for the 2nd Summerparty of Hand und Pfote Lohfelden e.V. 

This year my dear colleague Uta from Paper, Wool and Yarn joined us with crocheting

For the moment I'm doing some sewing activtiy for the kittens. I will show you soon.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Kittens room upgrade - Part 1

Hi Folks,

the last weekends we were busy to upgrade the kittens fresh air room we built last year. 

I asked Hubby to install 2 old tires onto the sill, so I can put bowls with cat fitting greenery into them.

The first try was very nice, but I think the cats liked it another way.  ;-)

I asked a friend who is a gardener what I can do to discourage the cats from digging. He told me I should try gravel. So I gave it another try and it works.

Another thing we built was a nestswing. Hubby brought an old bicycle rim to me.

I filled the indent with cotton and wrapped all with bandage to upholster. 

Then I cut 2 layers of fleece blanket into circles and cut them at the sides. I knotted the blankets onto the rim. At last Hubby and I attached 2 long ropes to hung up the swing.

I hope the cats will love the swing because no one told me that knotting a fleece blanket is that painful.

This was the first part of the kittens room upgrade. Hope to see ya next week again.