
Sunday, 30 November 2014

Advents box

Hi Y'all!

Today is the 1st advent and we celebrate this day, as usual, with lighting the first candle of the avents wreath. But we don't have a usual advents wreath because I never was a fan of usual advents wreaths. My "wreaths" have always been a little bit different. 

Here's the advents "wreath" of this year:
It's made from an old toolbox, that I found in the barn last year. I thought it was too good to throw it away but at the first moment I had no idea what to do with it. So I put it in my crafting stock.
Gradually grew the idea to refashion the toolbox for decorating. So I removed the handle and gave a darker stain to it. Then I put in some floral foam to set the fir branches and a few ornaments. The sorting fields were perfect to hold the candles.
I hope you also had a nice 1st advent.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Candied almonds with a little difference

Hi Y'all!

Today it was that time again to candy almonds, like I do every year in the christmas season. As I did last year and the year before and the year before and so on. But this year I tried something new. I tried spicy almonds. I put on a bit of pumpkin pie spice and it turned out great. It's something new for me but I like it and I think I will do this again.

BTW: Yesterday, my little blog turned 1 year (yeah, happy birthday!) and I am glad that I still here to share what I do. Do you remember my first post of all? It was Wooden Snowmen welcomeAlthough I try to publish articles regularly, unfortunately it's not always possible. I hope y'all still enjoy my little blog-land and maybe my readership will growing even a little. Whatever, for me only remains to say: 

Thank you for reading my blog!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Elf on the shelf

Hi Y'all

today I finished the first christmas-crocheting for this year. I like the tradition of the elf on the shelf. So I wanted to have an elf of my own. Of course I don't want a bought one but a homemade one. I searched a lot in the internet but I couldn't find a pattern I liked. So I wrote my own and here is the result:

I am so excited to see where I'll find him everywhere.

Hope to see you soon

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Crafting for Charity

Hi my friends,

lately it was a bit quiet here in my blog. But there was a very good reason. 

A few weeks ago my dear colleague shared a publication on facebook that the Katzennothilfe Hess. Lichtenau was searching for wool and wool scraps. 

Because our beloved Salem comes from there, I asked what the wool is for. The answer was very easy: They wanted to knit and crochet socks, hats and scarfs and sell them on ebay to get some money for the cats.

Immediately it was clear that I would like to help, because I always craft  with wool most of the time. So I talked to one of the involved persons and asked if they like to have the wool or if I rather should contribute finished products. She told me that, at the moment, there was only her mother knitting socks for this campaign and if I like, they would be very happy about finished products that can be sold directly. So here are the finished products for selling on ebay. 

Hope and keep fingers crossed that much money can be collected.

So you can see, why I was not that active on my blog, the last time. But because I can't, do crochet and knit all the time of course, I did some small projects without wool, in between. Hope to show you soon.

Until then